On November 13, 2012, UT
Geography hosted a welcome and information table on campus in observance of
National Geography Awareness Week. The table, located in front of
Burchfiel, offered visitors information on jobs and careers in
Geography, globe key chains, candy, and interactive science activities.
Over 100 people stop by the table to talk, far exceeding our
expectations. Half a dozen faculty members and 24 students (both undergraduate
and graduate) staffed the table throughout the day. The event was funded
in part by an Association of American Geographers EDGE grant, which funds
professional development and recruitment activities in Geography. A thank
you is extended to the many wonderful folks who helped make the table
a success. In particular, I appreciate the efforts of Kurt Butefish
(our Awareness Week coordinator), Will Fontanez (who designed the
promotional display and marketing materials), and the other members of
Awareness Week Committee (Drs. Kalafsky and Inwood, graduate
students Kassie and Sarah, and undergraduate students Lauren and

Derek Alderman
Professor & Department Head